





Joseph Murphy’s Subconscious Mind: Effectiveness and How to Use It



Joseph Murphy’s subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can greatly impact our lives. Understanding its effectiveness and learning how to use it properly can lead to positive changes and success in various areas. In this article, we will explore the concept of Murphy’s subconscious mind and discuss the key points for effectively using his method.

1-1. Impact of Subconscious Mind on Life

The subconscious mind is the part of our mind that affects our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors without us consciously realizing it. It is responsible for controlling our habits and shaping our perceptions of the world. This means that our subconscious mind has a significant impact on our daily lives and can greatly influence our actions and decisions.

1-2. Joseph Murphy’s Method

Joseph Murphy, a renowned author and minister, believed that by harnessing the power of our subconscious mind, we can achieve anything we desire. He developed a method that focuses on reprogramming our subconscious mind with positive thoughts and beliefs to manifest our desires into reality.

1-3. Key Points for Practicing the Method

To effectively use Murphy’s method, there are a few key points to keep in mind. The first is to have a positive and open mindset. Our subconscious mind responds best to positive thoughts and beliefs, so maintaining a positive attitude is crucial. Additionally, consistency is key. The more we practice the method, the more our subconscious mind will be influenced and align with our desires.

2. How to Use the Method and Important Considerations

Murphy’s method involves three steps: improving self-esteem, visualizing desires, and using affirmations. Let’s take a closer look at each step and important considerations when practicing the method.

2-1. Step 1: Improving Self-Esteem

The first step is to work on improving our self-esteem. Our subconscious mind is greatly influenced by our self-perception, so building a positive self-image is crucial. One way to do this is by using positive affirmations, such as "I am confident and capable," to counteract negative thoughts and beliefs.

2-2. Step 2: Visualizing Desires

The second step is to visualize our desires as if they have already been achieved. This helps to create a strong and clear image in our minds, which our subconscious can work towards manifesting. It’s essential to be specific and detailed in our visualizations to effectively communicate our desires to the subconscious mind.

2-3. Step 3: Using Positive Language and Affirmations

The final step is to use positive language and affirmations to program our subconscious mind with the desired thoughts and beliefs. Our subconscious mind responds well to repetition, so regularly repeating affirmations such as "I am successful and abundant" can help to rewire our thought patterns.

3. Frequently Asked Questions (Q&A)

3-1. Q1: Do I need anything special to practice this method?

A1: No, there is no need for any special tools or materials. However, having a positive and consistent mindset is crucial for success.

3-2. Q2: What is the key to successfully using this method?

A2: Consistently practicing positive thinking and regularly repeating affirmations is important for success.

3-3. Q3: Are there any special considerations when practicing this method?

A3: It’s crucial to be clear and specific in our visualizations and to avoid negative thoughts and language to effectively communicate our desires to the subconscious mind.


In summary, Joseph Murphy’s subconscious mind method is a powerful tool for manifesting our desires into reality. By improving our self-esteem, visualizing our desires, and using positive language and affirmations, we can reprogram our subconscious mind and achieve our goals. It’s important to have a positive mindset and to practice consistently for the best results.

